Welcome to the FarmGTEx TWAS-Server !

The FarmGTEx TWAS-Server is the first comprehensive online platform specifically designed for transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) in farm animals, integrating extensive eQTL data across humans, cattle, and pigs. It provides a range of advanced functionalities, including gene expression prediction, GWAS summary data imputation, TWAS analysis, cross-species homologous gene comparisons, data visualization, and functional gene annotation. Equipped with powerful tools such as MetaXcan, FUSION, and UTMOST, the platform provides researchers with a seamless, user-friendly interface to support comprehensive multi-omic analyses and drive enhanced research outcomes.


Latest news

    Citation FarmGTEx TWAS-server: An Interactive Web Server for Customized TWAS Analysis, Zhenyang Zhang, Zitao Chen, Jinyan Teng, Shuli Liu, Qing Lin, Jun Wu, Yahui Gao, Zhonghao Bai, The FarmGTEx Consortium, Bingjie Li, George Liu, Zhe Zhang, Yuchun Pan, Zhe Zhang, Lingzhao Fang, Qishan Wang; Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2025; qzaf006, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gpbjnl/qzaf006
  • 2025-02-11
    The manuscript of FarmGTEx TWAS-server has been accepted by the Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics journal. Please check it at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gpbjnl/qzaf006.
  • 2024-10-12
    update the GWAS imputation module: incorporated the imputation panels from BGVD and AGIDB for cattle.
  • 2024-9-12
    update the Search module: add autocomplete functionality.
  • 2024-07-15
    update the TWAS module: users can use z-score (optional) for analysis.
  • 2024-05-15
    update the search module: users can search TWAS results by gene symbol / ensembl ID / full gene name now.
  • 2024-02-15
    update the BSLMM and BLUP model in the expression prediction model.
  • 2023-12-14
    update from http to https.
  • 2023-03-27
    Add visualizations to the Expression Prediction and Orthologous modules for better display on the webpage.
  • 2023-02-03
    The manuscript was pre-printed: FarmGTEx TWAS-server: an interactive web server for customized TWAS analysis in both human and farm animals
  • 2022-12-25
    Removed the login module: users could perform analysis without login.
  • 2022-12-14
    The TWAS platform v1 was released.